Hello and .......

Welcome....to my blog "Grow Food with JOY!"

My name is Joy Story and I'm an avid gardener who believes that food is so important, that we all need to be growing it.

In May of 2010 , I began my business GROW FOOD Edible Garden Designs. I offer Garden Consulting, Designing, Gardening Classes and this online monthly blog as well as sell Organic seeds that we collect in our demonstration garden.

Our Organic Gardening Classes are called "Grow Food with JOY!" How I use perma-culture in my Backyard." We discuss all aspects to consider when designing your edible garden. Perma-Culture uses Mother Nature as a model with an emphasis on caring for the earth and caring for people.
So far, "Grow Food with JOY" has a series of 7 different classes with more being created all the time. Check out our Class Schedule on the website.


Happy Gardening

Friday, October 11, 2013

Time to Plant Garlic

 Included in October issue:

Tips For Planting Garlic

Garlic can be planted from October to November.
      It's’s best to start with good organic seed/bulbs ,that have not been sprayed to discourage sprouting.  The largest cloves will make the largest bulbs.

·     Separate the cloves but leave the skins on and plant with the pointed end up 4 – 6” apart and 2 inches deep.  Mulch the bed with chopped fall leaves or seaweed!
       In the spring, mulch with 50% compost and 50% manure for the biggest bulbs.  Hard neck varieties will produce a seed head called “scapes.” 
Scapes are removed to encourage bulb growth and can be eaten raw or cooked in stir fries.   
Many gardeners make pesto using scapes.
Stop watering about 3 weeks before harvest which is usually in late July.   
Harvest Garlic when the tops have died down 2/3 rds , pull and hang to air dry for about 4 - 6 weeks to cure properly out of direct sun in a dry location.
It’s important to practice crop rotation to prevent a disease called white rot.

Grow Food Network Magazine

Inside This Month's issue:

  • Making Clay Soil Work, Garden Feature with Karin Simon, Mill Bay, BC
  • What to do in the Edible Garden in October
  • "Hands Free" veggie wash station
  • Late Blight and Botrytis on Tomatoes
  • Roasted Tomato Recipe
  • Time to Plant Garlic
  • Roasted Carrot Recipe
  • Courses & Events
  • New Book: Kids Who Grow Their Own Food
  • Classified Ads                                                                

 To order www.growfoodnetwork.com

Only $17.00 for the year

(Photos of Karin's Veggie and Flower Stand) 


GROW YOUR OWN FOOD Organic Gardening Course

 Garden Tour with indoor Class on:

"Growing Food in the Winter"  Wed Oct 16, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
"Growing Healthy Soil" Wed Oct 23, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
"Growing Veggies A - Z" Wed  Oct 30, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
to register www.growfoodnetwork.com

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