Tips For Planting Garlic
Garlic can be planted from October to November.
It's’s best to start with good organic seed/bulbs ,that have not been sprayed to discourage sprouting. The largest cloves will make the largest bulbs.
· Separate the cloves but leave the skins on and plant with the pointed end up 4 – 6” apart and 2 inches deep. Mulch the bed with chopped fall leaves or seaweed!
In the spring, mulch with 50% compost and 50% manure for the biggest bulbs. Hard neck varieties will produce a seed head called “scapes.”
Scapes are removed to encourage bulb growth and can be eaten raw or cooked in stir fries.
Many gardeners make pesto using scapes.
Stop watering about 3 weeks before harvest which is usually in late July.
Harvest Garlic when the tops have died down 2/3 rds , pull and hang to air dry for about 4 - 6 weeks to cure properly out of direct sun in a dry location.
It’s important to practice crop rotation to prevent a disease called white rot.
Grow Food Network Magazine
Inside This Month's issue:
- Making Clay Soil Work, Garden Feature with Karin Simon, Mill Bay, BC
- What to do in the Edible Garden in October
- "Hands Free" veggie wash station
- Late Blight and Botrytis on Tomatoes
- Roasted Tomato Recipe
- Time to Plant Garlic
- Roasted Carrot Recipe
- Courses & Events
- New Book: Kids Who Grow Their Own Food
- Classified Ads
To order
Only $17.00 for the year
(Photos of Karin's Veggie and Flower Stand)
GROW YOUR OWN FOOD Organic Gardening Course
Garden Tour with indoor Class on:
"Growing Food in the Winter" Wed Oct 16, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
"Growing Healthy Soil" Wed Oct 23, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
"Growing Veggies A - Z" Wed Oct 30, 6 - 8 pm $20.00
to register