Hello and .......

Welcome....to my blog "Grow Food with JOY!"

My name is Joy Story and I'm an avid gardener who believes that food is so important, that we all need to be growing it.

In May of 2010 , I began my business GROW FOOD Edible Garden Designs. I offer Garden Consulting, Designing, Gardening Classes and this online monthly blog as well as sell Organic seeds that we collect in our demonstration garden.

Our Organic Gardening Classes are called "Grow Food with JOY!" How I use perma-culture in my Backyard." We discuss all aspects to consider when designing your edible garden. Perma-Culture uses Mother Nature as a model with an emphasis on caring for the earth and caring for people.
So far, "Grow Food with JOY" has a series of 7 different classes with more being created all the time. Check out our Class Schedule on the website.


Happy Gardening

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NEW Farmer's Market in South Cowichan


Having troubles growing a certain crop?
Was the timing not right for this year's weather?
Or would you like to sell your excess?
"Have your garden and eat it, too... and eat from other growers, too"
Try the Thursday Farmers Market for fresh vegetables and fruit grown on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. On occasion there will be the customary fruit shipments from the Okanagan. (Please note: At the THURSDAY FARMERS MARKET, all produce is to be free of exposure to, or application of any toxic substances from seed to the consumer taking possession. If fertilizer or treated seed is used, that food item is to have a card placed beside it when offered for sale.) Busy gardeners can also find baked goods, island-grown meat, and prepared foods like pesto and jam. And shoppers could be treated to your harvest that you might bring to market! Please call Islanders Trading 250 510 8343 for more information and note that 3-4 gardening friends are permitted to share one Full Space for vending. For larger growers that are short on time or do not like to sell, it is permitted to authorize someone else who is knowledgeable and informed to sell your produce for you. 

You are invited every Thursday, 2:00-7:00 pm. outdoors at the Cobble Hill Hall..."to market, to market, to buy some fresh food, home again home again in a satisfied mood!"
Linda (Islanders Trading) 250 510 8343

Win a Year's Subscription to GROW FOOD Magazine


In the August Issue of Valley Voice Magazine, we wrote an article on "Growing More Food on No Land" using burlap sacks to grow food in.  We challenged readers to think of other ways to use Burlap Sacks and the Most Interesting and Useful Idea will receive a Year's Subscription to GROW FOOD Network Magazine. 

Send ideas to growfood@shaw.ca
Deadline for entry: August 31st.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Elaine's Scott's Garden Tour

Elaine Scott infront of her Bird Protected Blueberry Patch

Elaine's everybearing strawberry deer protected patch

Elaine's Yearly Garden Plan

Kiwi Flowers

Tomaotoes grow outside in Elaine's garden successfully each year

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Elaine Scott's Garden Tour

More Great Gardening Tips from Elaine:

-      Carrots and broccoli are covered with remay cloth to prevent insect infection.
-      asparagus should not be picked after the end of June.  Allow the spears to turn to fronds and build roots.
-      when beets need to be thinned, (approx 2” high) you can transplant them.
-      always allow some flowers to be blooming in your garden for the bees.
-      Elaine leaves some blackberries on the property as a food source
-      Ever-bearing strawberries produce bigger berries if you cut off the first set of flowers and the runners.  Replace the plants every 3 years.
-      Fall raspberries need a barrier to prevent the underground runners from taking over the   garden.  They also get pruned right to the ground after each season, unlike summer raspberries.
-      The Fig fruit points downward when it’s ready to be picked.
-      Beans can be planted on a continuous basis until the second week of July
     Elaine plants her winter vegetables, cabbage, leeks,  mid July.
-      Direct seed beets in mid May
-      Direct seed Swiss Chard in March
-      Plant carrots in early May
-      Garlic scapes can be chopped and kept in the freezer
-      When garlic has 4 leaves that turn brown, it’s time to harvest.