Inside This Month's issue:
- Winter Garden Features
- Poly Tunnel Growing
- What to do in the Edible Garden in January
- Crop Rotation
- Bill Herring on Growing Great Brussel Sprouts
- Sprouting Seeds to Eat
- Kombucha Tea
- Article Review: "No Dig" Experiment in Permaculture Magazine from UK
- Warm Carrot and Beet Salad Recipe
- Saving Seeds by Robin Sturley
- January Events
- Upcoming Courses
- Seedy Saturday Listing for January
- Classified Ads and more
To order Magazine:
These photos were taken on January 5, 2013 a cool and rainy day in Bill Herring's Garden in Mill Bay, BC.
GROW FOOD hosts Bill to give lectures on "How to Grow Winter Vegetables" because as these photos show, he certainly knows how. Look for upcoming spring classes at
January 2013
Savoy Cabbage
Winter Leeks
Perpetual Spinach
Green Kale
Winter Cauliflower
Purple Kale
Green Cabbage
Peas and Favas in Pots
Carrots under enviro mesh
Lettuce in Greenhouse
Next we visited Cliff Stainsby's garden where he is growing winter vegetables outside in his garden beds, but also in his poly tunnel which is 24' x 45'. Cliff likes to get his crops coming off earlier by growing them in the poly tunnel house with a double layer of Remay cloth
Here are some shots of "What's Growing in Cliff's Poly Tunnel House "
An inside peek of Cliff's Poly Tunnel house and future beds for Fava Beans (Broad Beans) early potatoes, carrots, beets and more. Cliff uses Remay cloth for extra protection during the winter months.
Mustard Greens
Osaka Mustard
Boc Choy
Flat Leaf Parley
Strawberry Beds suspended in air is great for harvesting with no slugs
Newly planted bed of greens including Mache (Corn Salad)