Hello and .......

Welcome....to my blog "Grow Food with JOY!"

My name is Joy Story and I'm an avid gardener who believes that food is so important, that we all need to be growing it.

In May of 2010 , I began my business GROW FOOD Edible Garden Designs. I offer Garden Consulting, Designing, Gardening Classes and this online monthly blog as well as sell Organic seeds that we collect in our demonstration garden.

Our Organic Gardening Classes are called "Grow Food with JOY!" How I use perma-culture in my Backyard." We discuss all aspects to consider when designing your edible garden. Perma-Culture uses Mother Nature as a model with an emphasis on caring for the earth and caring for people.
So far, "Grow Food with JOY" has a series of 7 different classes with more being created all the time. Check out our Class Schedule on the website.


Happy Gardening

Monday, June 20, 2011

GROW FOOD Magazine

To receive your FREE copy of Grow Food Network Magazine, go to http://www.growfoodnetwork.com/ and download your copy.  June's Issue is available for only $3.00 or you can sign up to recieve a years subscription for only $25.00.  InJOY.....

GROW FOOD Wins Blue Ribbon and People's Choice Ribbon

Joy Story wins "Most Unusual Container" with her "Salad to Go...." in a suitcase at the Mill Bay Garden Club's Annual Flower and Garden Show in June 2011. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bill Herring's Garden Tour in May 2011

Despite the rain, 30 or so of us ‘wantabe better’ food growers stood in Bill Herring’s edible garden in awe at the growth in his produce for this cold wet spring.  Bill is a year round food grower and is planting seeds constantly to keep food on his table.  It was impressive to see such giant perfect lettuces and peas that were flowering and potatoes that would be soon harvested for new potatoes. 


Bill has 2 composts areas.  One is made from pallets held together with hay bale twine for easy access, while the other is cinder blocks holding in the composting material. 

 Cloches are made from plastic juice jugs with bottoms and lids removed.  They protect young seedlings from frost and get a jump on the season.


Besides growing food and flowers, another passion of Bill’s is lawn bowling.  Infact, Bill has a his very own bowling green in his garden.

 Inside the fenced in area are strawberries and a thornless blackberry that are protected from birds eating them

 The garden also includes several varieties of fruit trees including the nectarine protected behind the clear panels beside the house and under the roof overhangs.  These protection panels will be removed for summer. 

 Buckets with holes drilled in the bottom, line a white picket fence that provide heat and protection for the several varieties of tomatoes growing in them.  

   Sheep lounge under the protected shed, another valuable source of nutrients for the garden. 
 Mason Bee Houses

The Entrance into Bill's Vegetable Garden